What I have done for ReelStyle is help streamline the back end of the business. I worked hand in hand with Kelly to help develop the culture of the brand she had worked for many years to build to have integrity of that culture on both sides of the business - the front end as well as the back end. Customer service and support is dependent on both sides running smoothly to provide an elevated client experience.
While this time may appear bleak on the surface, we have been given the gift of time. Time for reflection, time for creation, time for developing our future! It is up to us to decide how we want to spend it.
Working from home/virtually can be quite the adjustment for most people. It seems simple in concept but doing it efficiently and effectively is a whole other ball game. Whether you are a salon owner or an independent hairdresser, managing your time properly, prioritizing tasks, not getting distracted, and not feeling guilty if you're not working, are just some of the challenges working from home presents. Yet, the biggest questions you may be facing are - I have so much to do, WHERE DO I START? or I am usually working with clients, now that I am home I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!
Well, the good news is, no matter which question you are asking - The #EfficiencyExpert is here to help!
My specialty is working one on one with beauty pros to evaluate where you’re at, prioritize and develop a plan on what you need done, and help you free yourself up to work on those BIG IDEAS you’ve had no time to put thought or energy to!
The best way to move forward with what you have in front or ahead of you, is to organize and plan to be efficient and effective with your time so when you get back in the front line of your business, you are even stronger than you were before!
Send me a message at reelstylebeauty@gmail.com if you want to learn more and GET STARTED!